
Good News Again -- Lucid Ganoderma Recommended as “Precision Nutrition” to Ward off COVID-19

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  • Time of issue:2020-03-11 15:10
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Good News Again -- Lucid Ganoderma Recommended as “Precision Nutrition” to Ward off COVID-19

(Summary description)How important is our immunity? Many may not be aware of that before this special Spring Festival. However, since the outbreak of COVID-19 cooped us at home, the topic we are talking about most is how to improve our immunity against the virus.

  • Categories:Industry news
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  • Time of issue:2020-03-11 15:10
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How important is our immunity? Many may not be aware of that before this special Spring Festival. However, since the outbreak of COVID-19 cooped us at home, the topic we are talking about most is how to improve our immunity against the virus.
 “There is no specific drug or vaccine for the virus so far, and the treatment we use can only temporarily control the disease. Whether a patient could be cured or not depends largely on his or her own immunity,” said Li Lanjuan, a Chinese epidemiologist and an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering.
Zhong Nanshan, an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, also repeated that clinically, there is only supportive treatment that could be provided in the absence of specific drugs. Human body could recover relying on its own strong immune function. That means COVID-19 may be cured if the patient has sound immune function. Therefore, as long as we get better knowledge of our immune system and enhance it further, we could win this battle.
The National Health Commission also said that the population generally lacks immunity to this new coronavirus, and those who are exposed to large amounts of the virus or who have poor immune function are extremely vulnerable. Facing the terrible spread of COVID-19, people began to realize that the ability to enhance immunity has become the key in the absence of specific drugs.
How to make our immunity work better?
In addition to common methods like doing physical exercise, eating properly and taking in balanced nutrition, we could also turn to “precision nutrition" to enhance immunity.
Sun Guifan, vice chairman of Specialized Committee for Precision Nutrition of China Nutrition and Health Food Association and professor of Preventive Medicine Research Institute of China Medical University, released on February 8 an article entitled “Precision Nutrition Helps Prevent and Control the New Coronavirus Infection Series - Science Popularization II: The Role of Nutrition Supplements”, informing the public of 12 kinds of nutritional supplements that help prevent the new coronavirus infection -- lucid ganoderma on the list, a traditional precious herb in China.
In his article, Prof. Sun pointed out clearly that lucid ganoderma can stimulate human immunity, thus directly affecting our ability to fight bacterial and viral infection. Moreover, the lab cell studies have shown that lucid ganoderma extracts can prevent or slow the growth of influenza viruses, HIV, hepatitis b and other viruses, and reverse the immunosenescence and age-related decline in immune system function.
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