
Ganoderma lucidum and other 9 substances are included in the "medicine and food homology" pilot. Experts: help standardize health products

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  • Time of issue:2020-01-10 01:50
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Ganoderma lucidum and other 9 substances are included in the "medicine and food homology" pilot. Experts: help standardize health products

(Summary description)Substances included in the management of "medicine and food homology" are expected to "expand" again.

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  • Time of issue:2020-01-10 01:50
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Substances included in the management of "medicine and food homology" are expected to "expand" again.
On January 6, the National Health and Health Commission and the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration jointly issued the "Notice on the Pilot Work on the Management of Substances That Are Traditionally Both Food and Traditional Chinese Medicine for 9 Species, such as Codonopsis," clearly stating that in the pilot areas, Codonopsis, Cistanche desert (desert), Dendrobium candidum, Ganoderma lucidum, Gastrodia elata, Eucommia ulmoides, dogwood, astragalus and American ginseng must not contain false content in their labels, instructions, advertisements, publicity information, etc., and must not involve disease prevention or treatment functions.
The "Notices" of the two ministries pointed out that according to the implementation of the trials in various places, the National Health and Health Commission will work with the State Administration of Market Supervision to study and demonstrate the feasibility of incorporating the above substances into the management of the quality of food and medicine.
Xing Xin, a lawyer from Hunan Jinzhou Law Firm, explained to Surging News that Article 38 of China's Food Safety Law stipulates that no drugs can be added to food produced and operated, but substances that are traditionally both food and traditional Chinese medicine can be added (commonly known as " Medicine and food homology "). The trial work to include 9 Chinese medicinal materials such as Codonopsis into "medicinal and food homologous" substances means that in the pilot area, these 9 substances in the "junction zone" will face more standardized management.
An expert in Chinese medicine pointed out that if the pilot work on the management of the aforementioned nine substances in accordance with the "medicine and food homologous" substances goes smoothly, the entire catalogue will be expanded again. He believes that even if these Chinese medicinal materials are added as food, they must follow the nature of the medicinal materials and the applicable people, and they should not follow the trend blindly. At the same time, the research and development of related healthy foods should be encouraged.
In the practice of traditional Chinese medicine in China, some items are both medicines and have a long history of consumption, or are still widely consumed by folks, and they are food in themselves.
"When added to food, it should not be considered as a drug but as a food ingredient." The former National Health and Family Planning Commission pointed out in a revised document on this topic.
The Food Hygiene Law (Trial) of 1987 stipulated that foods should not be added with drugs, except that traditionally both foods and drugs were used as raw materials and seasonings. The former Ministry of Health formulated the "Administrative Measures for the Prohibition of Food Additives and Hygiene" in accordance with the "Food Sanitation Law (Trial)" and also announced the "List of Items That Are Both Food and Drugs" (the first batch), which included 33 substances. In 2002, the former Ministry of Health re-published the "List of Articles That Are Both Food and Drugs", which included a total of 87 substances. In 2014, the former National Health and Family Planning Commission promulgated the "Administrative Measures for the Catalogue of Substances That Are Both Food and Traditional Chinese Medicine According to Traditions" (Draft for Solicitation of Comments), which was previously included in the "Medicine and Food Homogeneity List" On the basis of the catalog, new substances such as ginseng, mountain silver flower, angelica, prunella vulgaris were added.
In practice, the "medicine and food homologous" substance often appears on the same screen as the health products.
In October 2019, according to the information disclosed at the press conference of the "China's" Medicinal and Food Homologous "Research (2019 Series 1), since 2013, the national health product market, including the output value of" Medicinal and Food Homologous "products It has reached more than 300 billion yuan and is growing at a rate of 14% every year. But on the other hand, according to cases investigated and handled by market regulatory authorities in various regions, there still exists the concept of "medicine and food homology" to promote health products with disease prevention and treatment functions, and the elderly are more deceived.
How to make “medicine and food homologous” substances benign development in the health products market has become the key.
This time, the pilot project on the management of food and drug quality was conducted for 9 substances including Codonopsis, and the National Health and Medical Commission put forward clear requirements: when it is used as a raw material of health food, it should be managed in accordance with the relevant provisions of health food. Management of Chinese herbal medicines.
Xing Xin believes that the state exercises strict supervision and management of special foods such as health foods, special medical formulas and infant formulas. Article 75 of the "Food Safety Law" provides a description of the raw materials, catalog, supervision and efficacy of health products. Therefore, the definition of the function of "medicine and food homology" food supervision depends on whether the "medicine and food homology" food has passed the registration approval of health food, that is, the pre-examination determines the attributes of the "medicine and food homology" food.
Xing Xin pointed out that the "Notice" of the two ministries and commissions is to further analyze the attributes of the nine "medicine and food homology" foods such as the above-mentioned Codonopsis, and to clarify the legal basis for the supervision of "medicine and food homology" food. The supervisory responsibilities of relevant law enforcement agencies also provide a certain reference for administration according to law.
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