
Ganoderma Sinense Tea (Under The Crown)

No.: KLLC-401J 11g × 12bags / box
        KLLC-402J 11g × 6 packs / box
Use: Boil directly, or brew in boiling water or wine, red dates and lycium barbarum can be added.
Executive standard: GB 2762-2017 National Standard of Food Safety Maximum Levels of Contaminants in Foods and LY/T 1826-2009 Quality Standards of Dry Products of Cut-log Ganoderma Lucidum.
Product Details
Since the ganoderma was classified into "top grade" in Sheng Nong's Herbal Classic, till the Compendium of Materia Medica in the Ming Dynasty, ganoderma has been evaluated by traditional Chinese medicines in successive dynasties as "he who takes it may be hale and hearty as well as macrobiotic". The ganoderma is divided into ganoderma sinense, ganoderma lucidum, laricyl, etc., and ganoderma sinense is of the top grade ganoderma in China. 
The "ganoderma sinense" produced by Kailintang is originated from the wild ganoderma spawn in deep mountains and forests, and is cultivated on basswood. It is returned to the wild under the crown, to absorb the radiance of the sun and moon for natural growth. It is mainly used to nurse diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, insomnia, and other diseases. Long-term use can resist tumors, protect livers, slow down ageing, and support the healthy energy. It is a good product suitable for long-term nursing of health. The ganoderma sinense is neutral and mild in nature. It is beneficial to the human body without any side effects.
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