
Eat more ganoderma in the spring to nourish the liver

  • Categories:Liver protection
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  • Time of issue:2020-03-25 21:51
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Eat more ganoderma in the spring to nourish the liver

(Summary description)The spring breeze blows, and it is time to resuscitate everything. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, the liver belongs to wood, which will correspond to the spring yang. Therefore, in the spring, people with poor livers will present problems more easily. Pay attention to protect the liver and nourish the liver. If your body shows these signs, then you must pay attention to it, your liver is calling for help!

  • Categories:Liver protection
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-03-25 21:51
  • Views:
The spring breeze blows, and it is time to resuscitate everything. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, the liver belongs to wood, which will correspond to the spring yang. Therefore, in the spring, people with poor livers will present problems more easily. Pay attention to protect the liver and nourish the liver. If your body shows these signs, then you must pay attention to it, your liver is calling for help!
1.People who are not usually drunk become prone to drunk
Many people usually drink a lot of alcohol, and it ’s not easy to get drunk, but they become very drunk without knowing it. Even if you drink a little wine, you get drunk. This shows that the breakdown of ** in the liver can be significantly reduced. You, it ’s sick and needs to be protected. At this time, you have to start to have the knowledge of protecting the liver and nourishing the liver. You can take wild Ganoderma lucidum, ginger slices, spices, etc., and stew it together with ribs and big bones. The Ganoderma bone soup is very nourishing.
2. Acne suddenly increases
After spring comes, acne on the face may increase. This is because the strength of the liver directly affects the balance of luteal hormones, and the luteal hormones in the human body can promote the excretion of sebum. Once damaged, it will lead to increased sebum excretion. Acne then increases.
3. Easier presentation of "red nose"
Some people ’s noses are particularly simple red, even long-term red. This is due to the dilation of the capillaries in the nose. Although not the “red nose” in all cases is due to liver damage, women ’s liver function has declined. Indeed Will show "red nose".
4, black complexion
The metabolic function of the liver directly affects the metabolism of iron. Normally, the human body will store a certain amount of iron, so when liver cells are damaged, iron will flow into the blood vessels, causing the iron content in the blood to be added, and then the face will become dark. When your face is significantly dark, then the liver is reminding you that you may need liver protection.
Some people say that "the spring does not nourish the liver and miss a whole year." So how is it more appropriate to raise the liver in spring? In fact, it is very simple. I often drink it with Guyaoshan wild ganoderma soaked in water. When I have time, I take one or two pieces of Guyaoshan wild ganoderma soup to eat, which is good for protecting the liver.
Why is wild ganoderma able to nourish and protect the liver very well, because when people are uncomfortable, ganoderma is easier to appetize. Whether it is boiling soup or soaking in water, it can make up for the nutrients needed by the human body in time. It helps digestion and detoxification, assists the liver to strengthen metabolism, allows the internal organs to be expelled in time, and prevents the accumulation of toxins.
Therefore, this spring often eat wild ganoderma, let ganoderma protect the liver, health for a whole year!
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