
What can Ganoderma not eat with? Taboo and consumption method of Ganoderma

What can Ganoderma not eat with? Taboo and consumption method of Ganoderma

(Summary description)Ganoderma is a kind of edible herb. Ganoderma lucidum is sweet and bitter, and has the properties of returning to the heart, lungs, liver, and spleen. It has the effect of soothing qi, relieving cough and asthma. So what can Ganoderma lucidum not eat with?
What can I eat with Ganoderma?

Ganoderma is a kind of edible herb. Ganoderma lucidum is sweet and bitter, and has the properties of returning to the heart, lungs, liver, and spleen. It has the effect of soothing qi, relieving cough and asthma. So what can Ganoderma lucidum not eat with?
What can I eat with Ganoderma?
In general, ganoderma cannot be eaten with foods containing heavy metals, not with spicy and sour foods, and not with western medicine such as antibiotics. Because ganoderma contains a small amount of protein and trace elements, it should not be eaten with foods containing heavy metal elements such as lead, such as Songhua eggs.
Taboo of Ganoderma lucidum
Any panacea has its contraindications, and ganoderma is no exception.
1, Ganoderma lucidum takes effect later, generally takes effect 3-5 days after taking it, a few can take effect the next day, some people take effect after more than 10 days, and some patients take 30-60 days to take effect.
療效 2. The curative effect is related to the course of treatment. The course of treatment is long and the effect is good. The course of treatment takes 2-3 months, and it takes 6-12 months. It can also be taken for a long time.
3. Ganoderma is not contraindicated when taken with other foods and medicines. But it is best to eat Ganoderma after half an hour after taking the medicine.
4. There are very few people who are allergic to ganoderma, such people should not eat ganoderma.
5. Ganoderma is not recommended in the following situations: patients before, within one week after surgery, or patients who are experiencing major bleeding.
6. Reasons why Ganoderma is ineffective. Under normal conditions, there will be improved performance after taking 1-2 weeks, and inheritance can restore health. However, there are also ineffective ones. The reasons may be as follows: no regular and quantitative consumption (only when you think of it); insufficient portion; when you have a dizzy (detox) response, you don't continue to eat because of fear; diet, exercise, life Not cooperating well; sick too long, and taking too much medicine, the toxins in the body cannot be completely eliminated within a short time, or the previous medication is not appropriate, but the accumulation of poisoning and disease; the condition is good or bad, too impatient, lack of patience And lost confidence, did not continue to consume; psychological factors, because to accept the negative suggestions of others, no longer consume.
7. Ganoderma has commensurate effects on various other chronic diseases. It is best to take it with vitamin C for a long time.
What are the practices of Ganoderma lucidum?
1, Ganoderma lucidum jujube tea
The raw materials are 4-6 grams of ganoderma and 9 jujubes. The method is to cook ganoderma and jujube for drinking and substitute for tea. It has the effect of improving weak constitution and improving immunity. Adapt to breast cancer patients.
2, Ganoderma tremella fungus 羹
Rinse 9 grams of ganoderma, 6 grams of tremella, 15 grams of rock sugar, and simmer over low heat for 2-3 hours until the tremella is thickened. Take out the ganoderma residue. Cough, restlessness, insomnia, sleepiness, forgetfulness and other symptoms.
3, Ganoderma soaking in water
Drink with dried ganoderma in water, the effect is particularly good. Soak the ganoderma lucidum in the pot for half an hour, preferably in a clay pot or a clay pot of decoction. After half an hour, use a high fire to cook it for a low heat Hours, drink once a day, morning and evening. Consistent drinking can improve the body's disease resistance and delay aging.
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